Thank you for your love

Thank you for teaching me right from wrong. 

Thank you for teaching me manners, whether I want to use them or not at certain times. 

Thank you for raising me to have morals and standards; to have respect for others but most importantly myself because if you have respect for yourself as a person then respect for others will follow naturally. 

Thank you for being there for me no matter my mood, my situation, my question or your opinion. 

Thank you for teaching me that I deserve to be respected and that I should not lower my standards for anyone or anything that is less than I deserve. 

Thank you for not letting me grow up to be one of “those” girls. 

Thank you for giving me the strength to know that I am good enough and that the wrong kind of attention given or received is not what I am about. 

Thank you teaching me how to hold my head high with pride, class and dignity.

For teaching me to not let it get to my head but have just enough to hold myself up on my own two feet. 

Thank you for raising me to be proud of who I am, to feel comfortable with my decisions, to know what lines and boundaries to not cross or let anyone else cross, thank you for the belief in myself that you have instilled in me. 

Thank you for giving me my independence but also the understanding that my family and my faith is first and foremost; that I can rely on you to be there for me no matter what may happen, how upset we may be with each other, or how different our opinions match up. 

Thank you not only for the material items you have provided me as I’ve been growing up but most importantly thank you for everything you’ve taught me. 

Thank you for your love.